Here was my first blog post ever: My Worries and what I can't talk about with my honey!!!
- Well here is my first post in my Yahoo 360 blog. I have decided to post today because I'm staying up, drinking freshly brewed coffee because my mother just got up, and waiting around abit to see if our parcel from my mom in law in the USA arrives this morning, plus I can't seem to get sleepy. And I have no one to talk to right now because it is early morning here, and Angie is sound asleep, plus she said she could not take on anymore worries right now (meaning my worries) then what she already has now. So here I am, left with no one to tell my troubles to. Well my first big one is about being able to sponsor Angie for permanent Canadian residence, my second one is our package from Angie's mother not getting here soon, and my third and final one is not finding a job or getting any money soon. So basically the first worry also involves the third worry, because in order to sponsor Angie I need money and in order to get money I need a good paying job. And the worry I have about the parcel is that It was sent out on September 8th and today is now September 18th, I mean yes true we don't get mail out here on the weekends like the US does, but still it has been way over a week. My main reason for worrying about the package is that it as my syringes in it that I need in order to keep injecting my Testosterone. I can't believe I left them out there I'm so stupid I'm kicking myself for it beileve you me. See what happened is this: we were traveling back to Saskatchewan, Canada from Ohio and we had two big suitcases and one medium one on us, and well the one carrying my hormones which was the medium sized one broke to the point that it was unable to be carried on a long trip because both the pull strap on the side of it broke and the regular handle on the top broke both at the same time. It was like a freak accident, but lucky for us it broke while we were still in her mothers sight, so I grabbed what I could from it and left the rest, that is why her mother is trying to get the things I left to me now. I care more about the needles then anything else she could have possibly sent of mine back. I'm just concerned that they might hold it up at the US border, if they like x-ray it or something, I know it might just be a dumb fear and worry on my part, but oh well.... Anyways enough of my ramblings on I'm sure whomever is sitting here from my buddy list reading this is bored to tears by now. Oh and one more thing, I'm getting married in three weeks or so on the 7th of October and I'm a nervous wreck. I also feel bad for Angela not having anyone to be here for the wedding from her side, I see everyday how badly it hurts her inside, and my heart breaks for her, when I look at her face everyday since she found out her mom, aunt, and gay friend can't make it. It pisses me off, makes me angry at myself that I don't have a job so that I could have the money to send for whomever she wants to come to our wedding from her family and friends. Makes me hate myself this not having an income, makes me feel useless, hopeless, worthless, depressed, suicidal, sad, angry, frustrated, etc... I mean even her father made it clear when he kicked me out, that I was worthless and a loser for not having a job. Well the one good thing in all of this is that as long as my parents give me the bus money there is a job fair coming up out here on Sept 21st, so I may just get lucky and get a job from that. I have already handed out several resumes since being back here, and I have posted my resumes online on a few sites like: Monster.ca and Saskatoonjobshop.ca. Well I'm gonna end this now it is after 9am out here I suppose I have got to go to bed sometime.....Bye for now will write more when I have more to say or an update.......Dylan Michael Ferrier
- Well here is abit of an update, I know its a shock but its just a quick one *lol* my mom said to me that packages from the US have taken up to two weeks to get here, because she as gotten one or two in the past from my sister and her hubby. And I have come to a decision, if the package is not here by the 5th of October which is when I get my GST which for those of you who are American and might be reading this it is a government check that us Tax paying Canucks get every three months, it is never very much but hey money is money, anyways i'll get my next one on October 5th, any who I'll take some of that cash and go see my DR that gives me my hormones and then maybe I can get my syringes that way too.
One can only hope, cause I really hate the thought of being without my testosterone, its the only way I have to feel good about myself and to be
- Hey there everyone I just thought I would update you all on my very first blog entry about my worries: Well two got fixed, because the package did finally get here, and I think I might have a job lined up, I'll know more about that for sure on Thursday after I go to Kelly Services....
- 11 Days Until my 29th birthday and 3 until my wedding!!!
- Well Its been a busy we for us and it seems to just keep getting busier by the day. Angie got her dress today, her aunt Jean left the pencil marks on it which was not good or very smart because it can't be machine washed, but good news is that Angie got the sleeves to work. And now we are just waiting on the money to come in so that we can pay the church on Friday which is the day before the wedding.So anyways on the 15th will be my 29th birthday, makes me feel so old because in one more year I will be 30. *sigh* lets see what else is going on tomorrow has far as I know I'm babysitting my 2 year old great niece Octavia, and Angie is working on the real wedding cake no more practicing it. Oh and Angie's shawl/wrap ended up being the wrong kind of material. And Angie thought her mother was going to send her real pearls not fake cheap ones so that upset her as well. Well not much more to say just felt like venting because I just hate seeing my Angie cry and be miserable when there is nothing that I can do about it. And I wish that certain members of both sides of our families would stop acting like me and Angie are making a mistake in getting married, it is our choice and we want to, we want to be happy and we are in love, why can't they all just be happy for us.*sigh*
So much to worry about the stress is about to make me crack. Well I will end this entry for now....
- Well tomorrow afternoon is the big day!!!! :0)
- Well everyone I start my new job at Denny's this Sunday at 7pm, on the 15th which is my birthday, what a day to have to start a new job. And because me and Angie have no money we can't do nothing for my 29th birthday anyways. So I guess working on that day will at least give me something to do, and something to look forward to *sigh* I hate it though how everyone in my family including my new family that I just married into, never really remembers or even thinks about my birthday. I wish that I had money so that instead of or before work that day me and Angie could celebrate. *sigh* oh well..... Anyways I hope my mother in law sends our winter coats to us very soon it is starting to look alot like it could snow out here.
- Hey there everyone just wanted to let you all know that we got the wedding and reception recordings on VHS which my cousin Ilsa filmed on that day. Well if anyone wants a copy we just need you to send money (either cash or a money order but if your in the USA make sure it is an international one,) or a VHS tape to the following address: 1407 Avenue D North, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada S7L 1P5 Thanks because we can't afford to buy alot of tapes out here to meet all of the demands. P.S. We just finished watching it and GOD I look fat my face looks bloated and shit, I'm so going to the YMCA and working out very soon..... PS If Anyone Is still Interested In This We Would Still Gladly Make Tapes For You!!
- Bad Omen Geeze What is it Friday the 13th two days late!!! :0(
- Hey there everyone reading this!! I hope you are all doing ok, God could this day/night get any worse or what? First thing that happens is me and Angie are raking leaves and all of a sudden out of nowhere she feels sick and woozy, and then later in the night we go to take a shower together like we almost always do, but we just start having issues with water temperature, where it went cold but then went really hot almost boiling water, to the point of burning angie's back, and then the freakiest thing happens.... The shower which is detachable slips off the hook while I'm trying to hang it back up, and it breaks the faucet off completely. So needless to say we both did not get a full shower. And then has if that were not enough, Angie slips on the attic/my bedroom stairs well going down them on her way to the bathroom, no she did not get hurt seriously fortunately. It as just been a very messed up day/night, and then tomorrow night we both have to go to work me at Denny's at 7pm and Angie babysitting at 8pm. *sigh* I'm so not in the right state of mind to work, I sure hope I am come evening. God I hope I can find a relative that will let me take a bath or shower at their place soon, because I need to be clean for work, I'm working in a restaurant after all.....Well I think I will end this now I have a few more loads of laundry to do before bed, thankfully Angie is asleep now so I don't have to worry about her doing anything more damaging to herself.
I just don't understand what is going on here, and maybe I'm better off not knowing....
- Hey there everyone who reads this, I just thought I would quickly post in my blog one more time before I head out the door. Well today is my 29th B-day, and my sister did the sweetest thing out of nowhere, she stopped by the house here and dropped me off a happy b-day brother greeting card. The only people who remembered other than her were my wife and my parents. Well I'm going to go now I have a twenty some minute walk ahead of me in the cold and rain......
Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday to Meeee!!! Well I'm 29 now. For my birthday I got a card from Angie my first husband one ever, and a card from my parents, a mini game that you hook to the tv from my parents like plug in play for tv it uses batteries, and it is of NHL 95 and Madden Football 95, and I got a box of my favorite candy called Smarties from Angie as well.... We plan on celebrating a belated b-day when we get money from one of our two jobs.
- I got job Interviews coming out of my ears!!!
- Well I have several job interviews this week starting tomorrow afternoon and then all the way until Friday. The first one is at PrintWest, it is for a printing and bindery position at 1:00pm tomorrow which is Tuesday, the next one is at The Marriott, at 1:45pm Wednesday. and the last one of the week so far anyways is at this new movie theater that just opened up out here called Galaxy Cinema, at 7:30pm Thursday night. So I have a busy next few days..... Well wish me luck!!!
- I got a job Yayyyy!!!
- Well everyone who is reading this entry!!! I got a job with a company called PrintWest I start Thursday it pays $8.40 an hour 24 hours a week, which is part time. Its better than not having a job though, plus I'm still going to my other two interviews this week at the Marriott, and Galaxy Cinema's. My new boss does not have a problem with me working some place else as well as for him. My hours would most likely be early morning until 3pm three days a week,8 hours a day. Its a pain in the ass to get to my new job, but I'll get there even if I have to on foot, in the deep freezing cold snow, has you can see from the picture I posted with this entry the snow out here is fairly deep for early November. So anyways what happened was a got to the interview and instead of it just being the typical interview that ends with a we'll call you after we make our decision, it was an orientation and then employment paperwork, no interview though I did ask questions but nothing was even asked of me other then had I ever worked in a printing place before? which of course I had to say no to,and when could I start? which I then had to say I had another interview tomorrow afternoon at the Marriott that will be 2 hours long. So he said I can start Thursday instead then. After my interview tomorrow I'm supposed to call him back and he will tell me my hours from Thursday on.......
- Had my 2nd interview of the week at the Marriott!!
- Well I just got back an hour or so ago from my 2nd interview at the Marriott now its a wait and see game has usual. Then when I got home I called back the PrintWest where I'm supposed to start working tomorrow, left a message but they have not gotten back to me yet. The job at PrintWest I found out is just a christmas rush job, he won't need me after December 22nd so it is only until December 22nd, which sucks, but good news is I still have one last interview to go to and that's tomorrow night at 7:30pm downtown at the movie theater. So at least I had back up plans. Well anyways thats it for now I will update this entry after I hear back from PrintWest with my start time and days, and after my last interview of the week at the movie theater......
- Hey there again everyone who is reading this. I went to the interview at the movie theater out here called Galaxy Cinema's and of course I got it, I start training on Tuesday the 21st at 6pm to 9pm. So I ended up calling up PrintWest and telling them sorry I would rather take the movie theater job. So now I have the Marriott during the day from 7am to 3pm and the movie theater at nights from 6 to 9pm three nights a week. I'll be a very busy guy, but we need the cash, and it feels better to have two instead of one that way if something happens to one I have another one for back up.Well I'll update this more soon......
- Hey there everyone who is reading this, how are you all doing today/night? I'm doing wonderful. I just found out this afternoon through a phone call that I got the $10.00 an hour desk job at the Marriott, I start training on November 27th 2006 at 7am. And I'm starting work at PrintWest tomorrow morning at 7am, I have decided to hang on to the PrintWest job until Nov 24th for a little extra money because it pays $8.40 an hour. And I am also going to the Galaxy Cinema's interview tonight at 7:30pm. And if I get that job and it can be full time or part time evenings I'll just quit PrintWest and work for Galaxy either way I'm looking at having two jobs, at a time for at least awhile. :) Well I'm gonna go got to get ready for my job interview, I'll update soon.....
- Been A While Since I Posted Anything New!!!
- Well I know it as been a while since I posted anything but thats because we lost our internet and digital cable for a bit, but we got them back from a different company now. So anyways lets see I quit my job at the movie theater, I got my first pay on Thursday from both jobs, an old elementary school classmate named Janice found me on myspace, even though I have changed alot since those days. Not much else to say right now except that I have two more weeks starting this Monday until my training is done at the Marriott I graduate on December 22nd we are have a potluck dinner at work for it plus getting a certificate, my wife is going to make a dessert or something for it, just wish she could be there. Well that's it for now, I'll write more soon bye for now.....
- My wife Angie got her visitor's Visa extended, and she can now stay until May 2007 Yayyyyy!!! Well I'll give more updates on that one soon....
- My folks gave me a scare tonight!!!...... UPDATE!!!!
- Hey there everyone yes I know long time no blog, I just wanted to post on here really quickly to let everyone who reads this know that my parents Jean and DeRay Ferrier were in a car wreck tonight. luckily neither of them were injured , they were just both shaken up. And if any of you reading this who live in Saskatoon can help us out, we need to get to where my parents van was towed to, and get all the stuff they have in it out and bring it back to the house here. Well not much else to say, other than we are still waiting to see if my mother could have cancer in her leg bone, keep her in all of your prayers.......Love you all bye for now.... UPDATE!!! Just to give you all an update on this situation: My folks are ok my mom was checked out by the DR, and they did get all of their stuff from the van, but it is totaled and they are currently looking for another vehicle, and has for my mom's leg, she got another scan done on it, we are just waiting on the results of that 2nd scan. I'll post an update when I have more information.....
- I had a nice extra day off of work today!!!
- Hey there everyone I thought I would post a new blog entry today, because I actually took a day off work today after working a very long eleven hour shift on Thursday afternoon/night. And it was a nice day off I took a walk, got to watch tv earlier in the day then I usually do, and I'm back online after a two day hiatus because I was so tired after my last two days of work because this week I have worked two shifts of overtime one on Tuesday and then the shift yesterday on Thursday, I told my wife I was beat and even though I still woke up at the time that I normally do to get ready for work which is 10:00 am and I went to bed at 4:00 am last night, I did not go back to sleep even after I decided to call in sick and stay home from work. Well anyways enough about that, me and my wife saw the coolest thing outside or bedroom window this afternoon, and that is why I have included the picture in this blog post, we have a big tree right outside our window, and we saw a mother bird either a sparrow or wild finch fly and land on one of the branches with her baby birds tagging along close by and then all three landed on the branch right in plain view from us right outside the window, and then the cutest thing happened because our trees are full of worms that hang down from webs, she starting feeding them to her baby's but these baby birds were a bit older than normal and they were flying on there own and there is no birds nest in the tree outside my window either. And we watched they serene scene together has a couple both with alot of ooooohhh's and ahhhhs thinking how cute it was. So I just thought that I would blog about it, and now I am done, and it is back to work tomorrow *sigh* oh well at least it is my last shift for the weekend then I have my usual two days off which are Sunday and Monday......*lol* tune in next time for another exciting blog post and adventure in the life of Dylan Michael Ferrier.