Monday, August 20, 2007

Images Of My Favorite Video Games From The Past To The Present For All Of The Gaming Systems!!!

This entry will be about all of my favorite video game images and gaming systems from past to present, I have been playing video games since I was five years old, I'm now almost thirty. I like and have liked the following games: Almost all of the games ever made for the Atari like Pac-Man, Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong JR. I also have always loved Super Mario Bro's and Mario got his start in another very good game for the Atari called Donkey Kong, the Super Mario Bro's game has only gotten better with time it got its start on the very first original Nintendo Entertainment System, GameBoy, and than the Super Nintendo, and then the N64, and as now been released for all of Nintendo's gaming systems such as the DS, Game Cube, Gameboy Color, and Game Boy Advanced. I also love Mortal Kombat it is my absolute favorite fighting game ever made for any and all gaming systems, in fact I believe it is thanks to this game that alot of other fighting and combat games exist.

Images And Links Of My Favorite Websites And Online Cartoons.

This entry is going to be about and show images of my all time favorite websites and online animations, I want to share them with all of you, go check out the sites, if you like what you see on here. The links in this blog post most likely won't be clickable but you can always copy and paste them into your address bar... Enjoy!!! My favorite animations are the following: Happy Tree Friends:, Weebl and Bob:, HomestarRunner: And then you will find other great cartoons and show on the following websites: Retarded Animal Babies and many others:, Ten Pump BB-Gun and many others:,,